Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Momentous Super Human

In the here and now, you are everlasting. You’ve fought the good fight until this very point in time, in this moment.

What is it that I am aching for beyond every moment? Is it to finally move into my new home, the next good T.V. show, a better president, my next twenty dollars to buy some bread and milk that will surely be eaten by the end of the day, only to buy more to sustain both myself, my husband and our roommates insatiable appetites? Though we must certainly eat to go on living, truth be told, we are not going about our lives to simply eat more or even gain more monetary and physical possessions. That is the ego.

The being that thinks for us and finds itself everywhere, in a ceaseless chase to create our solid identities and complains to hold itself higher...sometimes lower, than other peoples egos. The ego will take till there is nothing, but as long as there is still ‘somethings’ in the world the void (unconsciousness) that is my ego will never be satisfied. The part of me that knows there is more than enough food the world over to feed 6 billion children of God is sequestered by the mass unconsciousness of ‘I’ need more! This is not who we are.

The part of us that exists behind this all is the “peace of God”.  Formless, not found in matter or thought forms. A watchful presence that exists in you that no one can define. It is in everyone...the light of consciousness. In light of this we cannot leave behind the pursuit of this moment.

You made it this far, you are here, you are now. 

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